Columbia Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

Shealey Law Firm’s Columbia hit and run accident lawyers help people who are victims of drivers who flee the scene of a crash. We work to claim fair financial compensation. Call 803-590-3917 or message our Columbia car accident lawyers for immediate legal help.

Attorneys for Hit and Run Compensation in Columbia, SC

The Shealey Law Firm lawyers for hit and run accidents represent victims in Columbia, SC. We can represent you:

  • Whether or not the offender is found
  • Even if no criminal charges are filed against the offender
  • If the offender is found but they don’t have insurance
  • If you need representation with your own insurance company

We can help you take the next steps following a hit and run, protecting your rights and pursuing your compensation. We handle cases in Columbia and the surrounding areas.

Legal Representation for a Hit and Run Victim

Our Columbia hit and run accident lawyers help victims of hit and run in the following ways:

  • Evaluating the situation and investigating, which may include working with private investigators or aiding police efforts.
  • Determining what insurance may apply to the claim, including your own uninsured motorist coverage and MedPay.
  • Identifying damages payable under law and what your claim is worth.
  • Negotiating your compensation.
  • Helping you understand settlement offers and whether you should accept an offer.
  • Taking formal legal action, if necessary.
  • Answering your questions and minimizing the burden of the legal process.

We make it simple to work with our dependable legal team. Contact us to schedule your consultation and start your case. The sign-up process is easy, and we’ll get right to work for you.

Compensation for Hit and Run Victims in South Carolina

Hit and run is against the law. A driver who is in an accident must stop, identify themselves and complete the duties required by S.C. Code § 56-5-1230. Someone who flees the scene may be charged with a crime. That’s an important part of holding the offender accountable, but you have the right to bring a legal claim for damages, too.

A legal claim may allow you to receive compensation from the driver who chooses to hit and run, if they can be found. You may bring a claim through their insurance.

However, often drivers choose to flee because they don’t have insurance. If that’s the case, you may claim compensation through your own uninsured motorist coverage. South Carolina requires drivers to carry uninsured motorist insurance coverage in minimum amounts. Our lawyers can help you determine your coverage and negotiate your compensation.

What happens if the driver is never located? How can an attorney help me then?

If a hit and run driver is never located, you can seek compensation through your own uninsured motorist coverage. A fleeing driver is treated like a driver who has no insurance.

What should I do if the other driver flees the scene of the accident?

If the other driver flees the scene of the accident, call law enforcement right away. The sooner law enforcement can start investigating, the more likely they will be to find the offender. Preserve the evidence at the scene by taking photographs and saving damaged personal property. Notify your insurance company and call a hit and run accident lawyer as soon as possible.

After a Hit and Run Accident in South Carolina

Thousands of hit and run accidents happen each day in the United States. They happen in Columbia, SC.

You can have skilled, experienced legal representation working on your behalf after a hit and run.

When you choose Shealey Law Firm, you have:

  • A law firm that knows the laws and the needs of hit and run victims
  • Compassionate and professional service
  • A simplified process, with a goal of making things easy for you
  • Commitment to your case

A hit and run occurs unexpectedly, and it can severely interrupt your life. Turn to our trusted legal team to represent your interests. It’s our goal to maximize your compensation while minimizing the personal toll that being a hit and run victim takes on your life.

Free Consultation for Hit and Run Accident Victims

Start with a free consultation with Columbia hit and run accident lawyers at Shealey Law Firm. Learn about your case, your options and how we may represent you. Call 803-590-3917 or message us now.

We look forward to working with you and helping you with your hit and run accident claim.


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